"I'm assuming that we do not become a perpetually beleaguered nation."
They are generally well received as they bring economic promise to beleaguered nations.
Afghanistan's new Constitution offers hope that the beleaguered nation can finally evolve into a modern, democratic state.
Until now, Salvo, you have performed an entirely essential, but defensive role on behalf of our beleaguered nation.
It has been used increasingly, though, in maintaining the stability of global markets by helping beleaguered nations restore confidence in their currencies.
That's sort of an all-star team of beleaguered nations.
Quick military intervention by the United States and others is the only way to restore law, order and constitutional government to the beleaguered nation.
He had long sought greater American involvement in his beleaguered nation and was glad the hour had finally come.
Today, as a beleaguered and debt-ridden nation anxious for dialogue with anyone willing to talk to us, we should really be more sensitive about provocation.
Saddam Hussein and his regime still in place, a beleaguered nation and citizens whose problems were described earlier in the most eloquent of terms.