The devastation that nuclear weapons would wreak on this beleaguered country was just beyond imagining.
I pray that all the death and destruction will finally come to an end and that this beleaguered country will be one again.
How else could the leader of a militarily weak and economically beleaguered country half a world away have caused such fear among Westerners?
Their decision followed moves by the International Monetary Fund and other lending institutions last week to provide $10 billion in accelerated aid to the beleaguered country.
But this impoverished, overpopulated and beleaguered country is quietly drawing tourists.
Many Jews were desperately seeking permits and visas to escape their beleaguered country.
The account of the successes of their fighter pilots, fighting in distant lands for freedom, boosted morale in the beleaguered country.
She told Diamandis that they had sailed toward Candesce in search of help for their beleaguered country.
But there is no doubt that this beleaguered country is increasingly isolated.
Mr. Bashir, eager to rehabilitate his own image and that of his beleaguered country, had lobbied hard for the prestigious post.