The downgrading caused a sharp fall in bank share prices, wiping millions off the value of beleaguered banks.
The ECB has made supporting Europe's beleaguered banks one of its core policies - it's opened its doors and lowered its collateral requirements.
The ECB has made supporting Europe's beleaguered banks one of its core policies.
For the last three years, Pandit has been battling to turn round the fortunes of the beleaguered bank, transforming it from a sprawling financial supermarket into a more focused operation.
The issue has been closely watched by foreign investors for signs of preference for Russia's beleaguered banks.
Yet The Shadow, a silent, unseen shape, remained motionless; then glided slowly away in the direction from which he had come, moving rapidly from the beleaguered bank.
He owned some stock in a beleaguered bank - he won't say which one - and he used its proxy to illustrate some points.
The hedge fund had taken a short position on the beleaguered bank and therefore booked a gain when it collapsed.
The action, which the beleaguered bank had been saying it would not have to take, will produce a loss of $1 billion in the quarter and a loss for the year.
It quickly offered $93 a share for the beleaguered bank.