Perhaps this was a child crying now, a newborn self in her, a little girl held mute for twenty years, only now belatedly finding voice.
If Mahler could belatedly find a place in the pantheon, she suggested, so can women who composed in distant eras.
When that final effort failed, Kaa tried to depart . . . only to find belatedly that the door had shut.
Investigators belatedly found that the head of the bank, 35-year old Robert Gravier, had been bilking it for millions.
Belatedly finding the winning move he missed five moves ago.
Clearly, he desperately needed support and encouragement, which he found only belatedly, from Mr. Schlesinger.
The agency often has found itself in the embarrassing position of belatedly finding information relevant to prosecutors and defendants in court cases.
But he belatedly found out this week that he is married, but to someone else, because the paperwork for a divorce from his first wife was never filed.
Today, the American safeguards are just going into effect as authorities belatedly find money for their implementation.
People call Halper frequently to tell him about items they belatedly found to be fakes, or try to to sell him items with dubious histories.