That belated recognition shot a prickle of reaction clear through her.
The board members will apparently allow the new team to operate without protest, a belated recognition that the district was out of control.
Putting them under tighter supervision is a belated recognition of how large financial services have grown in China.
Others said they see a belated recognition that the original goals for the three applications were simply beyond possibility.
This belated recognition ended up having a gray lining.
The god, reaching back with his free hand to peel the annoyance off, achieved a belated recognition.
Some see the flurry of activity as belated recognition from the singer's home state.
His trip is a belated recognition of the region's progress and importance to the United States.
The belated recognition of his worth as a composer seems still to be growing.
And the truth was there, screaming through the dark, dread corridors of belated recognition.