How could anybody believe that other human beings could deserve a horror such as this?
However, the antislavery movement in this country began among churchmen and women, convinced that human beings deserved better treatment than they received as chattel.
By virtue of this reason, even the evil human beings deserve respect and considered treatment.
I would be more than happy to greet the Duchess with the manners and respect that any fellow human being deserves.
And good luck beyond what any human being deserves.
Christian theologians used to teach that only beings with souls deserved ethical consideration.
From conception to natural death, human beings deserve all the protection we can give, and without equivocation.
Whatever their nationality or their administrative situation, these people should be treated with the dignity that all human beings deserve.
A robot may not judge whether a human being deserves death.
Ryder coined the term "painism" in 1990 to describe his position that all beings who feel pain deserve rights.