The floors and walls were beige stone.
Bring back the soft beige stone that absorbs the strong sunlight and avoids making every tall building seem not in your face but in your eye.
Historically, Chailluz quarries provided the chalky, blue and beige mottled stone from which the majority of old buildings in the center of Besançon were built.
For a gum-chewing woman in teased red hair, a salesman in shirt, tie and sneakers praised "a sharkskin task table with beige fossilized stone that is carved and finished."
In the bright sunlight beyond, Jordan could see green grass and the beige stone of some vast mansion in the far background.
The nave is a wonder of light and lofty proportions, enhanced by the luminous beige stone and the splendid ribbed vaulting.
How splendid it was, its pink and beige stones turned to gold, gleaming in the sunlight under a pale-blue summer sky swept with recumbent white clouds.
The monastery was there - a geometric arrangement of courtyards, covered passageways, and cloisters, all built of beige stone, surrounded by a high stone wall.
The clubhouse, designed by a native son, Sandro Angelini, is a veritable mobile of wood, glass, concrete, terra cotta tiles and disks of white, beige and purple stone.
At the centre of the cemetery, there is a dark purple granite fountain, covered with beige stone.