Hollywood started wielding behind-the-scenes pressure by threatening to withhold campaign contributions for local politicians and after ten days the judge declared there would be no new trial.
While Democrats openly made the measure a party issue, the Republicans did not, although there was considerable behind-the-scenes pressure on their members.
Instead, they let the participants speak for themselves about why the show's behind-the-scenes pressures have been so productive.
China faced some difficult questioning, as well as behind-the-scenes pressure, about defaults on loans and late payments by some of its state-owned companies.
Some are responding to shareholder resolutions or to behind-the-scenes pressure from large shareholders.
He declined to respond when asked whether the Nieporents are applying behind-the-scenes pressure, as some local officials privately suggest.
And it has provided a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes pressures and rivalries that often shape major trials.
Mr. Bloomberg also attributed the shift among Republican leaders to behind-the-scenes pressure from city officials that has occasionally spilled into public view.
Often, this is accompanied by behind-the-scenes pressure to clear the field for the putative front-runner in the name of party unity.
In some cases, the Pentagon has tried to discipline contractors through behind-the-scenes pressure to make management changes.