But amid the elections of 12 governors, dozens of members of Congress and hundreds of local officials, it was the behind-the-scenes action that grabbed attention.
During the sequence of the video, more behind-the-scenes action is shown, before it ends with only Bieber's silhouette shown, as his jacket is on the ground.
Ferguson was also seen during the closing credits which showed various captioned shots of behind-the-scenes action that took place during the episode's production.
The images beautifully capture the atmosphere on-stage, the frenzied behind-the-scenes action backstage, and the magical moments of the ballet.
Get an insight into the behind-the-scenes action that takes place at the station.
Some of Franken's recent behind-the-scenes actions are at least as interesting as his public performances and show the depth of his seriousness.
We're still at war in a way, though it's behind-the-scenes action now-not sending in ships and men and burning off a world here and there.
With a tour of all that rarely seen behind-the-scenes action costing only $15 ($12 for children, $11 for seniors), I couldn't resist.
The designer had simply moved the behind-the-scenes action to the stage, separating it from the audience by a transparent scrim.
I don't want to do some secretive behind-the-scenes action.