The hacker left behind traces of his activity.
The Romans, too, left behind traces in what is now Adenbach.
Prior to that, Native Americans lived in the state, but left behind few traces of their musical life.
Here again we must ask whether an extinct race left behind traces of astonishing astronomical knowledge or whether our ancestors were working on a 'higher task'.
The more than 1,450 American service members killed in Iraq have also left behind traces of hip-hop scattered in the memories.
Each one leaves behind traces.
One by one the train stations were abandoned in the 1930's, leaving behind neither tracks nor traces.
There have been many creative people who have excelled in the arts but, apart from their work, have left behind few personal traces.
Robert becomes an alcoholic, and starts to harass Eponine at home late at night, leaving behind traces that suggest growing psychological instability.
Belgic Britons, in the late Iron Age have left behind traces of their culture.