He pledged that such behavior by school boards "will not represent a norm during my tenure."
As I watched the pulsing cloud, it occurred to me that this behavior might actually represent a program hang.
This alleged behavior does not represent the way this company feels about any of our employees.
Their behavior during this time represents no necessary bar to returning for adult baptism into the Amish church.
Indiscriminate sexual behavior usually represents a compulsive utilization of sexuality to fulfill other unconscious needs.
Whatever it was coming up the coast, Nichols suspected its extraordinary appearance and behavior represented a possible breakthrough in the relatively new science of ichthyology.
This abnormal behaviour can represent 52-80% of all stereotyped behaviours.
A knowledge-based behaviour represents a more advanced level of reasoning (Wirstad, 1988).
The Directive allows the exclusion of people whose behaviour represents a genuine, current and sufficiently serious threat to the fundamental interests of society.
In financial terms, productive behavior represents the point at which an organization begins to achieve some return on the investment it has made in a new employee.