The new personality is from a vastly different species, often with very behavior codes and sexual preferences and, to make matters worse, the donors were often very dominant personalities.
The school's behavior code was modified, outlining a range of punishments for racial/ethnic/sexual slurs including reprimand, parental notification, detention on Saturday afternoon, expulsion and police referral.
(In contrast to the prudish behavior codes, however, a teacher asked a visitor to give an impromptu talk to her English class on AIDS and its causes.)
Sixteen years with the Salset had embedded certain behavior codes within me.
The university is halfway through its Fraternity Renaissance program, which began in 1990 and which requires that the 16 fraternities adopt the school's behavior codes when their houses are rebuilt.
The university is known for its strict behavior codes for students.
At Our Lady of the West Side, the behavior code is strict and teachers' authority is unquestioned.
That is what happened when the Valley Forge Medical Center in Valley Forge, Pa., recently asked staff members to help rewrite its behavior code.
While students are subject to behavior codes during the school day, debate remains about whether schools can - or should - extend rules after school and off school grounds.
In particular, the "otherness" of athletes, a group with its own dress and behavior codes, has interested numerous artists in recent years.