He among other writers helped set up a scholarship for beginning writers on Salt Spring and also organized a new reading series on the island.
The programs dealt with here are intended both to instruct beginning writers and to help professional writers correct their own copy.
The audience drew pictures to illustrate a memorable experience - an exercise for beginning writers.
They are a common grammatical error, especially among beginning writers.
Articles are geared to those at all levels of experience, from beginning writers to those who are already professionals.
This is an extreme example, but a lot of beginning writers (and some who should know better) make almost as bad a mess of naming.
Beginning writers are always advised to write about people and things that they know firsthand.
It began as the collective spirit of an international group of young artists, writers and musicians in the early 1960's.
Beginning writers often have trouble with this.
And I coached her on which of the Kinetic editors were most sympathetic to beginning writers.