Construction is to begin in spring 2004, with the new building opening to the public in late 2005.
The development began in 1971 with the building of both privately owned and rented accommodation which boosted the town's population by around 10,000.
Construction began on the project in 1906 with the building of the main "A" Canal.
Coleman began with the building of a sawmill here in 1870.
It began in 1876-1877 with the building of 24 and 30 Beaumont Street.
This began with the building of a new road.
In 2000, Stage 2 of the program began with the first building (a 180 seat lecture theatre) completed in early 2001.
Forestville began with the building of a sawmill here in 1854.
Like many towns in Brazil it began with the building of a chapel, in 1905.
The short begins with the building of the Ark.