The story begins with Kevin, his best friend Paul, and Winnie on the verge of starting Middle school in 1968 .
He began a relationship with his supposedly straight best friend, Craig Dean.
The game begins with protagonist Malcolm and his best friend Ronnie driving down zombie infested streets in a beat-up car.
The novel begins with Hulan's friend Suchee and the murder of Miaoshan, her daughter.
Finally feeling accepted, Gravity begins a relationship with his friend Lauren and continues his superhero career.
Their final break up would be after Leung begins a third-party relationship with her best friend, Ha.
When we all go down, the investigation will begin and end with our Russian friend.
They began to walk back towards the house, with Diego and his American friend talking in low voices behind them.
There, she begins a relationship with Navid Shirazi, head of the school's paper and Dixon's best friend, who paid for her rehab.
It begins with their common friend, Miguel.