The year began with high expectations, but the season's first-half results were disappointing.
The summit meeting, an annual event since 1975, began with only modest expectations in both the economic and political areas.
The public began with expectations of a short war.
The Tigers began the season with high expectations following their first 10-win season since 1987.
Yet Abrams reached the point where he did not read newspaper stories about his team in a season that began with high expectations.
But the self-esteem movement that began with such high expectations in the 1980's is running aground.
The 2008-2009 season was one that began with low expectations.
The 2008 season began with high expectations for the Jaguars.
So it often is these days in a campaign that began with ebullient expectations last spring.
His senior season in 2006 began with high expectations.