Dinner was a magnificent affair which began with a round of champagne toasts, the first of which was offered by Stephen.
The DFB-Pokal begins with a round of 64 teams.
The format for the state tournament begins with a written round of 50 multiple-choice questions with a 35-minute time limit.
At Sandretto Re Rebaudengo's home, the world begins with a huge round of cheese.
The JIBs begin with nominations in January and then a semifinal and final round.
He began with a round of heavenly exhortations, moving on to his devotional hit "It's Me Again Jah."
The CAF qualification process will begin with a preliminary round (to narrow the field of 52 entrants to 40 teams) in November 2011.
The ceremony began with a round of speech, and ended in a round of silence, or rather, listening.
We will begin with a broad round of consultations when we will send out a green book containing ten questions.
The Twenty20 Cup began on 27 June with a full round of matches.