The 164-man unit began an intensive training program under the command of Major George Robertshaw, in preparation for deployment to the Far East.
Von Toll began his military career in 1796 after a period in the infantry cadet corps under the command of Mikhail Kutuzov.
The evacuation began an hour later under the command of SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Teodor Meyer.
On 30 January 1692 she began her return voyage to Vlissingen, under the command of Jan Ammansz.
He began his career as a soldier, under the command of his father, when he was only sixteen years old.
The assault on the castle then began under the command of Capt. Flower but was beaten back with slaughter by the defenders.
The Brigade began forming on 8 August 1944, under the command of Sturmbannführer Martin Gross.
Rebels began the uprising on August 29 8:00 p.m. under the command of Ján Golian.
This had begun the previous November, under the disastrous command of Kliment Voroshilov.
The siege had begun under the command of Radko Dimitriev on September 24, 1914.