So he built shortly after a sugar mill and a chapel in a location known as Curral Falso, beginning the settlement of land by the Portuguese.
Arriving in Wisconsin, a scouting party headed out through the forest with ox carts to locate the land and begin the settlement.
A group of 104 English men and boys began the settlement on the banks of Virginia's James River.
Back in the 1600s Sweden began the settlement of its New Sweden Colony (now Delaware).
They went further south and began the settlement of Hobart, Tasmania.
Anson Call and thirty families began the settlement of Fillmore City.
This began the permanent settlement of Bermuda, which had been discovered a century before, but which mariners had avoided as best as they could.
In about 1860, it began the settlement of the region.
The Knights began the settlement of Cruzeburg (Kreuzburg) on November 2, 1252.
After the last ice age and the return of plant life began the permanent settlement of the Rhine valley by the Linear Pottery culture.