But another Stanford patient had to start taking the drugs four months after stopping when his body began rejecting the kidney.
After that heart was replaced with a second transplant on June 16, his body's immune system began rejecting the new organ.
He began rejecting his friends and stopped doing any exercise.
But soon after the baby began rejecting her new heart.
Hospitals were full, and began rejecting new patients today.
However, Katie's body began rejecting the heart not long after; her prognosis looked rather grim.
By 1991 and 1992, she was so successful that she began rejecting girls to work for her.
Because the mice are genetically different, he said, the brown mouse began rejecting the new heart immediately.
When she later began rejecting the first heart, Coote was forced to endure a second transplant, which took place in 1986.
But in the late 60's and in the 70's, students began rejecting the game, if for no other reason than that their parents played it.