This time the Yankees went down, 4-0, before beginning their comeback.
Sanchez, after winning the first set, led the second by 3-0 before Muster began his comeback.
The Yankees began their comeback by getting a run in both the fourth and fifth innings to cut the lead to three.
That score, 2:59 into the final quarter, began the Patriots' comeback.
But that lead did not hold up as the Celtics began their final comeback with a 6-0 run.
The Yanks also never got off to a quick start, and by the time they began their comeback it was too late.
Not until the 1960's did wine begin its comeback in this part of California.
After trailing by 39-30 at halftime, the Pirates began their comeback early in the second half.
He has not been beaten since beginning his comeback three years ago.
Foreman is 27-1 since beginning his comeback in 1987 after a decade out of the ring.