Her parents, Lutz and Konni, have said that from the age of two, she began insisting she was a girl.
But then someone, I can't remember who exactly, began insisting that it should be found in the Folly.
Suddenly, Japanese business executives and newspaper editorials began insisting that Japan must offer a plan to open its markets.
However, David soon becomes disillusioned and begins insisting that he wants to leave the group.
This year Britain also began insisting on visas for North Africans.
A. dropped out of the race when I began insisting on some pronouns.
Eldor began insisting that his sister wear a hijab, or scarf, and a robe to cover her limbs.
Piper soon ran out of credit, and suppliers began insisting it pay cash on delivery.
And some health insurers, concerned about rising costs, began insisting that women with previous Caesareans try natural childbirth.
Starting in June, screeners at many airports began insisting that all shoes had to be removed.