Later in the year, the city acquired the airport facility for $60,000 and immediately began improvements.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to begin improvements in Arab parts of the city.
If you'll show me to your engine room," I offered, "I can begin improvements right away.
Sir John began immediate improvements to the Priory spending £9,000 on the conservatories alone (demolished in 1939 in order to provide additional office space).
General William Green was the new chief engineer in 1761 and he began improvements to Gibraltar's Northern defences.
Let us begin improvements to our system of higher education.
The board of trustees, flush with its first major gift, decided to begin major improvements.
A previous owner of the property had begun improvements by building what are now the house's wings.
I don't think it would have occurred to me to begin improvements with the underground pipes.
He purchased the land around 1788 and began improvements and invited settlers to purchase land.