Gant began haunting his former team in the first inning.
After moving to New York in 1994 (he lives on the Upper East Side), he began haunting piano bars.
He changed his name in his teens, when he dropped out of school and began haunting the revival theaters of Paris.
And that sale of the Babe, of course, was when the ghosts began haunting the Red Sox.
He began haunting the open houses.
"You began haunting the attic when Augustus Smythe moved the furniture up from the room you died in, right?"
The dean's spirit began haunting the school since then and she continued to "enforce" her rules in a spiritual way.
Feeling it be Hyeon-su's fault, she begins haunting her friends until they go crazy with thoughts of being ugly.
Mater likes to play scary pranks on other characters until a blue light begins haunting him.
When the building became a theater, the ghost began haunting the acting troupe.