Six days later, Bishop Daily's representatives began handing over 36 old cases.
Connor took her absence as his cue to begin handing Ray toys from the floor, one after the other.
His assistants began handing them over the sides to him.
He said Taliban soldiers would begin handing over their weapons and start leaving the city as early as Saturday.
No sooner had the first engineers alit on the bank than others began handing them reed mats.
God began handing out keys to their heavenly mansions they had all been promised, when someone else suddenly spoke up, "Where is your son?"
Alan climbed down into the vat and began handing the parts to him.
Carol, fascinated, went over and began handing her the items, to move things along.
Something about the sight disturbed her, but nothing really registered as she pulled the cart up next to the car and began handing Al bags.
He began handing cards to some of the people who had let him take their picture.