The diplomats also began quietly encouraging the civilian political leaders to find an alternative to his regime.
At age thirteen, Bleona's father and mother began encouraging her to leave singing and go to finance school.
During the same period the Arts Council began encouraging a greater level of corporate sponsorship for the arts.
In the first three months of the year, before the Federal Reserve began encouraging higher short-term interest rates, three-month bills averaged about 5.75 percent.
"So she began encouraging each of us to see the other."
Swaggart's wife then began encouraging him to contact radio stations.
The phone companies began encouraging the producers of television shows and movies to use the 555 prefix for fictional telephone numbers, roughly during the 1960s.
Page built a large, brick house in Middle Plantation and began encouraging the growth of the area.
The initiative comes four years after the state began encouraging its residents to plan for old age by purchasing long-term care insurance.
At age 24, he joined this church and soon the members of the congregation began encouraging him to enter the ministry.