People in the car directly behind began to notice that something was amiss.
They began directly crowd funding it on July 13, 2012, with a goal of $500,000 and about 10,000 backers.
And this summer, Pfizer plans to begin directly advertising the inhaler to patients.
Stuart was known for working without the aid of sketches, beginning directly upon the canvas.
There were a few mountains there and the blue bowl of the sky began directly behind them.
Medical education in Japan lasts six years, and begins directly after high school.
"The screen should begin directly in front of us," he said in a low voice.
As though he had formulated the inquiry into speech the other began directly to speak of it.
Work on the power plant and spillways began directly after the dam wall was complete.
Everybody was sorry; but the master began directly to make arrangements for breaking up his establishment and leaving England.