Pick a time that's best and begin decorating with the little monsters you love the most.
In the mid-19th century, these and other churches began decorating their sanctuaries with Easter flowers.
How old was Karen when Monique began decorating the tree?
Or, if they're not feeling sociable just yet, they can begin decorating their rooms.
After leaving school in 1927, she began decorating the brown, unglazed pottery produced by the factory.
They will build a 25-by-40-inch model tomorrow, and begin decorating it on Nov. 14.
The house was a hit with the community and soon she began decorating her neighbors' homes.
The two families that live in the stucco house began decorating a month before Thanksgiving.
All over town, merchants begin decorating their stores and buildings in celebration.
Residents quickly began decorating their refrigerators with graffiti.