When you begin classifying, look for the most obvious groups first.
It took health authorities at the disease's epicenter, in this bustling southern provincial capital, from November until late January to begin classifying the disease as a potential epidemic.
The World Health Organization began classifying it as an embryonal grade IV neoplasm in 1993.
A change in accounting rules as of April 1, 2001, forced companies to begin classifying all future income of this sort as interest income.
Later that day, the National Hurricane Center began classifying the system as Tropical Depression One.
With the creation of this new label, the MPAA unofficially began classifying films.
In 2000, WorldCom began classifying operating expenses as long-term capital investments.
He didn't even know where to begin classifying this specimen.
In 1865 Secchi began classifying stars into spectral types.
With the museum up and running and a collection of approximately 30,000 pieces, Larco Hoyle began classifying the collection.