In May 1997, she began claiming her date of birth as 1979 in order to be considered for acting roles.
Laws then began claiming rent for the "second bedroom" in this property, at a cost of £920 a month, until September 2009.
Every year thereafter, for the next quarter-century, several million 65-year-olds will leave the rolls of taxpayers and begin claiming their benefits.
And the time has come, officials say, for the country to begin claiming more of the fruits of development.
When the offer was refused, they were outraged, and began claiming their own territory in the land.
Last night Moroccan state media began claiming that the protesters had called their marches off.
It was only later that the Cardinals began claiming the championship title.
Capa, inconsolable, began claiming that she had been his wife.
After the initial meltdown, people began claiming to be "possessed".
During the early 1800s pioneers began claiming fertile areas of land beyond the Mississippi River.