Brown began catching snapping turtles from ponds near his home at the age of 7.
She made traps and began catching them.
It sagged, then began catching the wind like a menacing sail and had to be removed.
Mr. Tavilla, who is 54 years old, began catching pieces of fruit for fun as a child.
But as delegates began catching sight of these most famous of Republicans, a swell of applause came from the floor.
"Both positions, you're the man in charge," said Mauer, who began catching as a sophomore in high school.
Perhaps they would begin catching fish in the sea again, something they knew how to do, their only real ability.
"We'd like to begin catching him less," Cashen said.
Some manufacturers are hopeful that new higher-resolution video cassette recorders will begin catching on.
In 2005, Guess began catching the eye of many new people (mainly teens) who were unaware of Guess's earlier history.