Over the course of time, though, they began behaving in various unwise ways.
He must rest his ankle for a while and wait until his eyes began behaving.
He seemed to be of the opinion that if you are a cyclone, it is never too soon to begin behaving like one.
With a few, buggy drivers can cause the computer to begin behaving erratically.
As a result, dozens of young black people arrive at the church and begin behaving as though it were a club.
To serve the plot, characters begin behaving out of character.
Sky begins behaving oddly and the Doctor attempts to talk with her but she simply repeats everything he says.
It had been so even before she began behaving so strangely with Rand.
Obviously, these two countries also immediately began behaving in a way similar to the conduct which led to that first letter of warning.
The next moment the M. N. 1 began behaving in a most peculiar manner.