The shipova's only flaw is that it takes about seven years to begin bearing.
It usually takes three years for an orange tree to begin bearing fruit.
When the tree began bearing odd, bumpy fruit, his children liked the taste.
It is very slow to begin bearing, and the proper pollinators will increase the fruitfulness.
To Wellesley's credit, it made an effort to recruit minority faculty and students that began bearing fruit in the 1970s.
As they mature, their leaves change from pink-tinted to green, and eventually they begin bearing fruit.
The boat was still turning; it would begin bearing down upon them in a moment.
These trees can take 20 years to begin bearing regularly, and then the squirrels may get the nuts before you do.
Almonds begin bearing an economic crop in the third year after planting.
Typical peach cultivars begin bearing fruit in their third year and have a lifespan of about 12 years.