Seola begins her journal at the request of her father.
Construction of the temple began in 1899 at the request of King Chulalongkorn after building his palace nearby.
The agency began the survey three years ago at the request of Master Lock, one of its clients.
At the development, she began at the request of the women there, one of the first training and education programs for welfare mothers.
The development of the aircraft began at the end of 1937 at the request of the Japanese military high command.
Ogata began taking dance classes at Sapporo, at the request of his older sister.
Digging began in 1993, at the request of courageous local citizens' groups.
One senior health official, speaking only on the condition of anonymity, said the inquiries began at the request of White House officials.
The audit began at the request of al-Hurra, the officials said.
The excavations began at the request of another victim's family.