The series, which begins today at the Walter Reade Theater, is the second annual video festival presented as part of the New York Film Festival.
The evening will begin at 5 at the Walter Reade Theater with a screening of "The City," a documentary film made for the fair.
But a series of six films from the series' two seasons begins today at the Walter Reade Theater in Lincoln Center.
It began previews at the Walter Kerr Theater on March 9 and opened on March 31.
"Triumph" begins performances in mid-September at the Walter Kerr Theater.
It began previews on Tuesday night at the Walter Kerr Theater.
Mr. Kushner's award for drama comes at an opportune time: previews of his play began last night at the Walter Kerr Theater.
The evening will begin with a Champagne reception at 6 at the Walter Reade Theater, followed by the screening at 7.
It begins today at the Walter Reade Theater.
"The Intruder" is far and away the most challenging selection in the 17-film series, which begins its 10 days of screenings today at the Walter Reade Theater.