Nebraska Highway 89 begins at US 83 west of Danbury, and heads in a northeasterly direction into farmland.
This roadway begins at the Rock Springs parking area and heads north along the ridge.
The state highway begins at a right-in/right-out interchange with southbound US 113 and heads north to a cul-de-sac.
The route begins at Highway 8 and heads north and east through Parkdale.
State Road 124 begins at Peru and heads east out of Peru.
AR 280 begins at AR 90 and heads due north to Brookings.
Nebraska Highway 69 begins at US 34 east of Waco and heads in a northbound direction through farmland.
The river begins at an unnamed lake and heads east then northeast.
The river begins at Rocky Lake and heads east to Root Lake.
It begins at SH 6 in Hitchcock and heads east to Loop 197 near Texas City.