Ashikaga, then began assuming powers that had not been given him by the Emperor.
A running commentary was kept up during the checkout phase and while P-1 began assuming residence.
During this time, women began assuming judgeships, through both appointment and election.
Elsewhere in the West Bank, Palestinians would begin assuming control over many aspects of daily life, including taxes, health care, education, tourism, trade and agriculture.
When there are fewer people, I think they begin assuming some kind of responsibility, simply because you naturally do the same.
Physicians' assistants may begin assuming more responsibilities that traditionally fell to doctors, but do not necessarily require the advanced training and skill of a physician.
The governors began assuming titles that did not legally belong to them, which resulted in a virtual dismemberment of the empire.
In the short-term market, rates rose modestly, as traders began assuming that the Fed has pushed rates up more than previously estimated.
In the meantime, I have to know whether you are prepared to begin assuming responsibility for your proper role in this conspiracy.
It's too early for us to begin assuming that this future-man is motivated in any way by the mores and taboos of our society.