Then he began a long and secret labour, and he summoned all his lore, and his power, and his subtle skill; and at the end of all he made the Silmarils.
As Corbeck smashes in the door to where the tomb is located, Anne begins a painful premature labour.
But the others, all that were not hurt or wounded, began a great labour; for many had fallen in the battle and lay dead upon the field or in the Deep.
Then she began a great labour, greatest of all the works of the Valar since their coming into Arda.
Therefore he took thought, and began a long delicate labour, and so for Galadriel he made the greatest of his works (save the Three Rings only).
Then he began a long and secret labour, and he summoned all his lore, and his power, and his subtle craft, for the making of jewels more marvellous than any that had yet been devised, whose beauty should last beyond the End.