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Each beggar child, each scarred old veteran hobbling one-legged across the square in Calhoun was D'ndai's responsibility.
He should be asleep; the beggar child he was counterfeiting was in the midst of one of the better moments of its short life.
In his persona of woeful beggar child, he had a single possession that was going to make this entire ruse work-a wooden begging bowl.
It was a small, helpless beggar child with pitiful eyes, his hands still grubby and stained from rooting through dockside garbage.
The poor beggar child was still there, still approaching, those sad eyes boring down upon him.
(In India, during the company's 1964 world tour, she even inquires about adopting a "curly-haired beggar child.")
'Lewis Carroll' - Alice Liddell as a beggar child (photograph)
Bethia felt like a beggar child who did not belong, who might be snatched up and thrown outside at any moment.
But there were only six little brown beggar children out there - all girls.
"Alms for a poor beggar child who hasn't eaten in three days!"