Assad delivered a speech to the nation on 6 January 2013, standing before supporters at the Opera House in Damascus.
In a speech Monday before supporters, the first lady portrayed Mr. Lazio as yelling, pointing his finger and invading her space.
The military pallbearers ushered the casket into the tomb before her family, supporters, and allies placed yellow flowers inside.
Appearing before supporters at his election night headquarters, Mr. Schmoke said President Clinton had phoned to congratulate him.
He appeared before supporters in Baghdad.
All hesitation was gone as he spoke before supporters at a Boston hotel.
"Some people say we cannot do big things," Mr. Bradley said before several hundred students, teachers and supporters in a high school auditorium here.
Garneau called on him to release more detailed policies before members and supporters begin to vote.
Mr. Yushchenko appeared before supporters early Monday to declare a victory for Ukraine's "democratic forces."
The feeling tonight is one of liberation," Mr. Spencer said last night in a victory speech before supporters.