Joe chuckled loudly as the cab turned from the boulevard, on to the last short stretch before Caffley's home.
The Georgia Tech Pep Band plays the song before every men's and women's home basketball games.
Up the street they went, followed by the crowd, and halted before the Simms's home.
He opened his eyes, looking out at the distant trees of the forest through the gate before his home.
There before the monks' home they confront Bartholomew in a sea battle, which further intensifies with the arrival of the Merchant's ship and a hurricane.
All in all they are handsome animals, and added the finishing touch to the strange and lovely landscape that spread before my new home.
Another was apparently taken on a lawn, perhaps the lawn before his home, a long car showed in the background and a portion of a white wooden house.
Three days and three nights they swam through the sea, and at length Uraschimataro arrived at the beach which lay before his old home.
It was originally founded in 1645 and has had numerous locations over the years before its current home.
Minutes before his home is destroyed, Barney concocts a plan to pass the Piggy off to another player convincingly enough so that it won't arouse suspicion.