Ms. Quinn's proposals came in a 31-minute speech before nearly 400 politicians, nonprofit and business leaders and neighborhood activists who filled the Council chamber.
Unlike opposition movements in most other countries at most times, this mass base formed before potential leaders emerged to give it focus.
But for MacDonald, standing before prominent political leaders, government officials, chief executive officers and the national press, this was the moment when things began to unravel.
He was among the earliest well-known intellectual to overtly ally with Mao Zedong, well before many other political and military leaders.
Members of peaceful communities frequently brought disputes before local leaders or wise men to resolve local conflicts.
How long before southern European leaders start routinely blaming "the Germans" for domestic woes?
Holy Mass was celebrated by Pope Francis before political and religious leaders from around the world.
The bailout package eventually passed, but not before Republican leaders vowed to get even.
Those bones grow dry before leaders as I speak of come to power.