This was doubtless an advantage in the days before antibiotics.
Trachoma disappeared in Europe, even before antibiotics, because of improved living standards.
Dexamethasone is often administered before antibiotics in cases of bacterial meningitis.
In the days before antibiotics, it occasionally led to septicaemia and even death.
At the time, before antibiotics, there was no effective treatment or cure for the disease.
In the days before antibiotics, this series of events was usually fatal.
Thus, it is advisable to wait for 1-2 weeks before administering antibiotics.
A urine culture, if taken before antibiotics are given, may show one or more types of bacteria.
The lack of effective drugs brings doctors back to the era before antibiotics, when the limited treatment measures included chest surgery.
To avoid this interaction take bifidobacteria products at least two hours before or after antibiotics.