In addition rising global temperature have allowed these beetle populations to grown and thrive at unheard of rates.
Current studies show the pine beetle populations beginning to slow.
However, since wilt-resistant plants have not yet been developed, the most effective way to prevent the disease is to keep beetle populations at a minimum.
Biologists return each year to Penikese Island to study the survival and growth of the beetle population.
As you'd imagine, a winter with numerous days below 0 degrees Fahrenheit will reduce beetle populations and lessen the risk for disease.
If the Japanese beetle population is extensive in the area, moles may be feeding on the grubs.
Some gardeners think that the beetle population is not as bad as it used to be.
In July 2007, a 300% increase was discovered in the native beetle population of the southern enclosure.
Scientists have been working on beetle populations in China to find the most effective deterrents.
Although they have a low impact in the beetle population, the use of biologic control allows the product to qualify as organic food.