There is veal heart with shallots, rabbit legs and beef cheeks.
Consumers should also take these precautions: *Avoid brains, beef cheeks and neck bones, which are considered high-risk.
"If the big man on campus knows your name, and if you have enough milk money to pay for your beef cheeks."
For the more faint of heart, beef cheeks are simpler to cook.
Season the beef cheeks with salt and pepper.
If necessary, you may cook the beef cheeks partly, then cool, refrigerate and finish them later on.
I wondered why each portion of beef cheeks required separate pots.
Still, if you've ever had to trim and braise beef cheeks, you might pay $29.99 a pop to have them ready to serve in minutes.
Then he adds on the quail or the beef cheeks.
Humdrum lamb chops didn't live up to heavenly beef cheeks.