As swiftly as they appeared, the bees seemed to disappear, going to ground or taking to the trees.
I guess I'm stuck on the whole bee thing where bees seem to be disappearing.
The urban bees seem to do as well or better than their country cousins.
As a former beekeeper I can say that my bees didn't seem to venture out in the rain.
It didn't take much to manage your colonies, the bees always seemed to be good and you could make a decent living.
This year, in dry weather, the bees seemed to make up for lost time, giving life to more nuts than the world needs.
Not enough personality, she said, adding that recently the bee seemed to have developed a sense of humor.
The bees seemed to concentrate on the ice cream parlour.
I hate to say this, but the bees seemed to catch on.
Maria said cautiously, 'But the bees do not seem to be attack- ing much.