At one point, he had a thousand bee colonies, each with a population of 30,000 to 60,000.
This will be the first time that the center has used its two five-year-old bee colonies in public programs.
There are about 6,000 bee colonies in the state, according to the agency.
It appears that this control system is an example of decentralized decision making in the bee colony.
It has been shown, that a larger bee colony will produce relatively more honey.
So why has it been allowed to contribute towards research into the collapse of bee colonies?
It is expected that the state's 64,000 bee colonies will produce approximately 4.6 million pounds of honey.
For that work, reinforcements are brought in from out of state: about 18,000 bee colonies each year.
The home of a bee colony is called a hive.
The bee colonies in the south are larger and stronger.