He has a very natural inclination toward bedtime prayer and grace.
However, she was clever enough to introduce western religious rites such as bedtime prayers into their daily routine to make Buddhism more accessible to them.
She knelt beside it like a child saying bedtime prayers, put her face against his pillow, and inhaled deeply.
Now I lay me down to sleep is a classic children's bedtime prayer from the 18th century.
If I had been inclined to offer up bedtime prayers, I would have included his name therein.
He drew a cartoon in March, showing Geraldo Rivera on his knees saying his bedtime prayers.
They lied from the time they opened their eyes in the morning until they told the Creator a lie in their bedtime prayers.
She folded her hands beneath her chin, looking like a little girl about to say her bedtime prayers.
He was no more than halfway through his bedtime prayer when a shuddery, dizzying feeling let him know that something unwelcome was going on.
"Us in the middle," he said, intoning Jamieson's sentiment as though it were some kind of bedtime prayer rather than the invocation of a troublesome truth.