There are six two-bedroom suites consisting of two bedrooms connected by a parlor.
Setting the globe back down, he went into the bedroom, connected the computer lead to the assembly port, and downloaded the trip log.
Grey was the first college in Durham to have all of its bedrooms connected to the university computer network.
Most of Currier's bedrooms are single bedrooms connected by a sinkroom or full private bathroom, a rarity at Harvard (where most dormitories date to the 1920s and are now relatively crowded.)
This three-story dormitory is styled in a suite manner, with two bedrooms connected by a living room, and a bathroom shared by four student residents.
The second bedroom, connected to hers, served as her parlor and sitting room.
Sophomore suites include two double bedrooms connected by a shared bathroom for four students and are found on the first three floors of Nagel Hall.
By 1969, Mae and Marjorie were able to move into one of the few suites with two bedrooms connected by a hallway and bathroom.
There was a bathroom between each pair of bedrooms, connected on both sides.
Upstairs, awaiting its sheetrock walls, is what will be the master suite: a 14-by-24-foot bedroom connected by a walk-through closet to a bath and circular dressing room.