Or, it becomes simple enough for human beings to begin to make choices, and to prehend what happens as a result.
The story started becoming very simple.
He had become simple indeed to stand next to his own spirit and not feel it.
In addition, starting a fund has become increasingly simple, as long as you know a good lawyer.
The symbols were becoming less and less simple, and, as they had to be drawn by hand, astronomers found some of them hard to draw.
But now it had suddenly all become very simple.
His desire had become very narrow and simple: to kill everyone wearing a Regian uniform; failing that, as many as possible.
The danger of series like this is that they can so easily collapse at the end, becoming too allegorically complex or too morally simple.
The issue had become simple and ominous.
As if the situation had suddenly become simple, he left the doorway and crossed the room to stand in front of Holt Fasner's mother.